A Simple Life
3 July 2006
Meghan Bowers

     An organic farmer, what a different lifestyle. Deb Guenther, originally from Wisconsin, lives this lifestyle. She says that Alaska is so very different from Wisconsin. The look, the smell , just everything in general is different in Alaska.
      Deb enjoys organic farming because she hopes to own a farm one day soon, and it’s just so interesting farming from one state to another, learning about different things and seeing the difference between one farm and another. “I have traveled all over, from Wisconsin, to Colorado to Alaska, in fact I was here about two years ago for about ten days leaning about farms and just really relaxing and enjoying what was here,” Deb said.
      Her biggest accomplishment was going to school and traveling. School , because she was taught so much and she learned so much that it just really helped her and she met new and exciting people from all over, and traveling because she met so many new people that helped her get into organic farming, and it was just so neat to accomplish all that she has done in the past and everything that she has done has helped make her the person that she is today. Of course, along with her grandma.
      Deb’s grandma has helped her get by with everything that she has done. Her grandma always looks on the bright side of things; and with every bad situation she would make it the best that she possibly could. Deb was also a lot like her grandma. She liked the outdoors, too. She always took things to new levels.
      Deb and her grandmother both like the outdoors and they both are simple people with simple lives. ‘It was meant for me. I adapt to whatever the land is like and what ever is there I can get used to, no matter what, even the outhouses.” Sometimes they can be so disgusting, but that’s ok because they aren’t all bad. Sometimes I have gone to a place without an outhouse and that is sometimes better then what she has had.
Deb said, “Organic farming is what I am made to do. I enjoy it and I plan on owning an organic farm for myself one day soon. When I have kids I plan on raising them on the farm and they will grow to be responsible people…One day…. one day soon.”