Suzy Grant

Alaska Is:
         Alaska is, to the people who have not been here, possibly a place that is cold and distant, but it goes way beyond that. Alaska, to me, is love! Love towards the land, lakes, trees, and friends. Alaska to me is bravery! Bravery to conquer mountains, fears, and drama. Alaska, to me, is responsibility to take care of yourself, your stuff, and your safety, Alaska, to me, is love, bravery, and responsibility, and while maintaining these three important things, AGLP grows together into a family. One big family. So, for all those out there who have not been here, it is not that cold, and the distance makes it even more beautiful. So, Alaska to me, is my home with our big family that maintains three things: love, bravery, and responsibility!

Final Reflection:
        From climbing the mountains with Kelsie to the moose-calling from the girls in my ten, I don’t think I could sum this trip up in a million words. I really think you need to be up at the top of a mountain and feel the rush you get up there before you ever say you’ve lived your life to the fullest. I will never forget the half-marathon, either. I met so many people from different parts of the country and I learned so much during that run. I will never forget the people who taught me so many different things. I think I finally understand the meaning of the quote, “Life isn’t measured by the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.” My “breath” has been taken by so many different sights on this trip like the mountains (of course), the lakes and oceans, the wildlife, and other scenic things. I know that no other place could take my breath away as many times as Alaska did. So, take my advice, if you ever get the chance, be SURE to come here. To Alaska! You won’t ever forget it!