Emily May

Alaska Is:
         Alaska is…
Amazingly beautiful
A beautiful place
Simple place to be
An amazing place to be!

No matter how many pictures you take, you would never be able to see how beautiful things are here in Alaska. My papa once told me, “No matter how many pictures you take, you can never compare the beauty here.” Alaska has some of the most beautiful views. That is what Alaska is.

Final Reflection:
        I look back now at when I first got on the bus at the middle school and my first thought was, “I’m going to Alaska!” I still have the same feeling but it has changed a little. It has now become, “I’m here in Alaska!” being here in Alaska has changed me so much. Alaska has changed me in these ways.
      The first way Alaska has changed me was the people I met and hung out with. I would have never chosen the people in my tent, but I’m grateful I got to know them. My nights in my tent bring back so many memories. I got to bond with people I never know before. I learned so much about them and have grown to respect and have friendships with them. I want to thank my tent mates—Eddie, Jenny, Katie, Ashley K, and Alicia—for all of our wonderful times together. I got to know you better. Sorry I fell asleep a lot. I had a lot of fun! The other people I got to know were my van members. I know Liz B, and Liz P. I also sort of know Roger, but not very well. I didn’t know Andrew or Britta at all. But I’m glad they were my van leaders. We had so much fun as a van. We learned about each other and were always making up ways to have fun on long trips. I believe we really bonded as a van. Today we passed Ishtar on our way out of the pool parking lot. He soon passed us back; he was going to beat us back to the church, but we took a shortcut and at the last minute cut in front of him at the last possible second and beat him! We were jumping around in the parking lot giving each other high fives. I think that was one of the coolest things our van did. Thanks Liz, Liz, Roger, Britta, Andrew, and Dr. George for all of the fun times in the van. This was one of the most fun times of my life.
      Other than meeting new people and learning about them, I learned about someone else…me. In these three weeks I learned more about myself. I learned that I don’t need a 30-minute shower every day, I don’t need to sleep until noon the next day, I can do anything I put my mind to, and trying something new will not kill you. My first shower I took in Alaska was cold and very short. My next shower was warm and still short. My next shower not only took quarters, it was cold and short; that night I took a four-minute shower. Then I took another shower that was so warm and expensive—that was a somewhat long shower. Then tonight I took again another cold and short shower. I also learned that if you don’t sleep until noon you will life your life as you always have. I went to bed about 9 or 10pm every night and then I woke up about 8 or 9 the next morning. Sometimes earlier. With everything else I learned about myself this last one was the major one I learned: I can do anything I put my mind to. I climbed three mountains, went on two boats, and did so many other things I would have never done if I was at home. I would have given up if I was with my family but because I was with the people I was with I kept going. Without them nothing wonderful would have happened to me. Oh, and if you try new food, it won’t kill you. I ate chili which I now love, I ate salmon which I now love, and I ate halibut which I sort of like. At home my mom would have made me something else.
      I am so happy I jumped at this opportunity to come on this trip and never backed down. This trip has changed my life and I will never forget anything I have learned or done on this trip. Thank you to everyone for everything! This is one of the best places in the whole world.