Katie Maynard

Alaska Is:
         Alaska is a time for firsts. It is a time when many people come together and form a family. It may not be perfect, but most will not get an opportunity like this again. For most of the eighth graders, Alaska is the first place that they’ve ever hiked a mountain or participated in a big race. It is also the first time for many to be away from home for such a long time.
      Alaska is also freedom. It gives people the opportunity to do things they “can’t” do at home. People here tend to feel more confident in themselves and therefore don’t care as much about what other people think of them. They can act goofy and no one cares. People can finally be themselves.
Alaska is full of amazing opportunities. It is beautiful and the coolest place I have ever been. All one has to do here is try a little and they will have an amazingly rewarding experience. I love it here, and I feel sorry for anyone who didn’t want to come on this trip.

Final Reflection: