Megan Williams

Alaska Is:
         Alaska is…one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been! The sight of the mountains took my breath away! Everything about Alaska is so pretty, from the wildlife to the trees and even the water! Once you have been to Alaska you can never forget seeing a bear, or a whale, or even moose poop! It’s such an amazing trip and I’m glad that I was a part of this experience.

Final Reflection:
        Looking back over the past three weeks I have learned so much about not only myself but others as well. I have so many new friends and I have rekindled old bonds with those I had lost touch with over the years. I will never forget my first time flying on a plane, or even seeing a bear! Alaska is such a beautiful place. The strong tall mountain and the wildlife took my breath away. Even thought I’m leaving and I’m not going to see any more mountains or any of the beauty of Alaska, memories last FOREVER!