- Emily

Alaska Is...

       an amazing experience to have. Every time you turn around, you are surrounded by beauty. Alaska also lets you get to know people you’d never think about knowing. Alaska is just an incredible place.

Final Reflections

        This trip to Alaska has been a huge eye-opener. It has shown me just how big the world really is. I now know that I can get to know people I never talked to before and that it is possible to go more than one day without a shower and still survive.
       This trip flew by incredible fast. Three weeks felt like one. A day felt like an hour. I barely had time to take in the sights of Alaska before it was time to pack for home.
       AGLP wasn’t like I thought it would be. It wasn’t better or worse, just different. Alaska definitely changed me for the better. The whole experience was so amazing. Once you have seen someone with very little sleep, no shower, and dirty clothes, you sort of bond because eyveryone is in the same boat.
       This Alaska trip has been great. It was well worth all the fundraisers and everything. I’ll miss everyone and everything about Alaska. This trip was awesome and it’s something I’ll never forget.