- Hannah

Alaska Is...

       scenery that changes your attitude
       a place to be yourself without being judged
       a place to make new friends
       a place to destroy cliques
       a place to try new things
       a place to do what you thought was impossible
       a place to become closer to your friends
       a place to learn new things about people you thought you knew
       a place to have fun
       a place to meet interesting people
       a one of a kind place with one of a kind possibilities

Final Reflections

        How have I hanged over the last three weeks? I know that the last twenty-three days that have flown by so quickly have changed me and my life in some way but I don’t think I will know how for a while.
       Alaska has shown me that life and school is more about you and your friends rather than worrying about what people think of you. Alaska has shown me that not all popular kids are stuck up and mean. It has taught me that you have to be yourself and talk to people to make friends.
       When I got on the bus three weeks ago I had two friends traveling to Alaska with me. When I get on the plane this afternoon I will be leaving Alaska with eight of my friends. I don’t know if these friendships will last when we get back to the cliques in Marshall, but I hope these people are not my friends just because we’re in Alaska.
       Alaska has given me opportunities to do things I never thought I could or would do. I never thought I would climb a mountain or run a 10K but Alaska has shown me that if I don’t try something I’ll never know if I like it. I think one thing I will always remember is all of the opportunities I have had in Alaska.
       When you reflect on something it makes everything seem so final but for me this is not final. I know that sometime in my life I will be back to Alaska. Whether I come back with AGLP, by myself or with my own family I will be back. There is nowhere else like this in the world so how can I stay away?