- Eric Frost

Alaska, the 8th World Wonder

       Brianne Pascu is a 20 year old, brown-eyed girl who is always smiling, and loves Alaska. She works in the office of the U.S. Army Alaska Seward Resort. Brianne has lived in Alaska her whole life, and thoroughly enjoys all of its scenery.
       Brianne’s favorite things about Alaska are “”the mountains, the ocean, and the wildlife,” which sounds a lot like what the participants in the Alaska Great Lakes Project are in Alaska for. Brianne also likes that it’s always light in the summer, except for “in the winter it gets dark all the time which is super depressing.” It’s a testament to the beauty of Alaska that Brianne, who has seen all of these things for 20 years, can still appreciate them every time she sees them.
       Brianne also competes in the Mount Marathon run every year. “I always come in with all the old ladies, but it’s a lot of fun,” replies Brianne when asked about the race. The Mount Marathon race was first run as an organized race in 1915. It is 1.5 miles long, which doesn’t seem like much, but most of the race is at a 45-degree angle. The ground on the mountain is loose, and it is not uncommon for people to break their ankles while making the perilous journey to the top. In order to prepare for such a test of heart and will power, Brianne must run a lot before the race to condition herself.
       The Alaska Great Lakes Project is a great opportunity to build character. Also, it is one of the most beautiful and scenic locations in the world. There is no really good way to describe Alaska, but through people like Brianne who experience it every day, you can come to understand just how phenomenal it really is. If you come to Alaska, whether it is for three weeks or for a lifetime, you can be sure that every time you look at the mountains, the oceans, the wildlife, or even the sun at midnight, it will be just as beautiful as the first.