- Brianna Wissink

Traveling the Country

       How would you like the opportunity to go to forty-five of the fifty states? Steve Buer, who I would describe as dark haired and kind of mysterious, has done just that. Alaska is the forty-fifth state he has traveled to. Steve plans to stay in Alaska for four weeks. He arrived in Anchorage, then traveled to Homer and stayed at Seaside farms where I met him. Buer lives in Bend, Oregon and has lived there since November.
       Steve Buer spends most of his time traveling. He only works part-time for a computer software company as a software developer. Buer enjoys hiking, fishing, rock climbing, and his favorite outdoor activity - cave exploration. He can do all of these things in Alaska and is enjoying every minute of it. When asked why he came to Alaska instead of the other five states he has yet to visit, Buer said, “I figured I would come up here while the weather was nice.” Buer also made his decision to come to Alaska before the other five states because he said that the other states seemed like less fun and he wanted an adventure. Even though he thinks his last five states are boring, he says that he still wants to travel to those states.
       Buer was a biology major in college, so he really enjoys the outdoors and nature. He has considered becoming a park ranger or another job that has to do with nature and the outdoors because he loves it so much.
       Buer has used many means of transportation in his travels. He took a bus from Bend to Portland, Oregon, took the train from Portland to Seattle, then he flew to Anchorage and took the Stagecoach to Homer. “A little planes, trains, and automobiles,” Buer said. It takes a lot of work and without a car getting around can be difficult, but Buer really enjoys what he does, and being only thirty years old he still has a lot left.
       Buer is happy living where he is now. He would consider coming to live in Alaska because he loves it here, but he doesn’t really like the winters. But even if somebody has one negative about Alaska, I think they could override that one negative with many positives and change their mind.