- Kendal Jasienski

The Little Things that make a Big Difference


       We sat down in the clean, bright classroom only to discuss a topic not so pristine- the issue of global warming and its affects. The devastating results of global warming have sadly also taken their toll on as beautiful of a state as Alaska.
         I talked to a young, intelligent woman. She is an eighth grade science teacher by the name of Katie Demorest. Katie has always had a love of science and nature, and is taking small steps to cure a big problem.        
         Katie has spent all of her life transitioning from city to city throughout Michigan. She has also explored the thrills and wonders of forty- nine of the fifty states. The one state Katie has not ventured to, and is looking greatly forward to visiting, is Alaska. However, that does not prevent her from being educated on the earthly disease that is infecting Alaska, as well as the rest of the world
         One of the reasons Katie was inspired to teach science was that her father was an educator himself. Also, she wanted to give kids a love of science, or to at least make it fun for them. Some of the knowledge she shared with me was about the dangers for animals in Alaska. She informed me that there are certain aquatic and land animals that require a certain temperature range. Since the climate in Alaska has gone up five to seven degrees, this could be a problem for animals. The changes can lead to struggles in plant and animal survival- which means a possibility of extinction in some species.
         Katie also hopes that she leaves some sort of an impact on her students. Her goal is to teach them to love the environment as she does. What she does not know, is that she is already changing kids’ lives when it comes to the climate crisis.
         Since we all know the oil supply is not as great, some government officials may be looking at Alaska for its natural oil. Katie thinks the idea of this is wrong- that Alaska is the last nice place like it. She does not believe we should try t change that. Katie also hopes Alaska stays pretty and clean before she visits.
         Something we all should be worried about is what will be left for future children, We need to help stop global warming so that we do not leave our future generations with nothing. There are small things we can all do o help that, she suggested. Things such as recycling, conserving energy, walking, biking are all little things that can make  big impact. Katie does all of these things, and they all save her money.
         Katie stated that global warming has effects everywhere. In Alaska, this is causing glaciers t recede rapidly. The signs are there. It’s up to us now. So the next time you are hogging the water I a shower, or are turning on a light you really don’t need, maybe you will think about all the little things that add up. Katie Demorest is already doing her part to help global warming. Now it is your turn to do yours.