- Andrew Stevens

The Mountainous Journey Through Alaska
A Series of Tales by Nick Bolger Part 1


       We sat there, Nick and I, in a brightly lit library. I spoke with this happy- looking boy of fourteen about the quickly approaching trip he would be taking. Nick, as well as myself and seventy-plus others will be traveling to The Last Frontier this summer. That day I found out what he was expecting, and about the things he is doing to prepare for this three- week camping trip.
         Nick heard about the trip through his cousin and his interest was immediately sparked. As he thought about partaking in such a trip more, he thought about the fact that it is a “Once in a lifetime experience,” and that “Not many kids have the chance to go.” He knew he wanted to go, and was not even influenced by his father, the county commissioner, Jase Bolger.
         However, although his heart is set on going to Alaska, there are several things that need to be done before making our way over Canada. He was involved in several of the AGLP fundraisers- his favorite being the golf- outing. All of the work on the fundraisers helped to pay off not only in making friends, but cutting the cost of this long- away vacation. Another part of the trip is the equiptment. Camping for three weeks involves a lot of things we don’t use on a regular basis, while we also leave behind many unnecessary. Nick said that he had most of the items needed, so he felt prepared.
         In Alaska, everyone is placed on a committee for the trip- Nick happens to be on the journalism committee. “On the journalism committee, we write about what happens during a certain day. We may take someone aside and ask them how their day went. Not really any training is needed, and we only meet to discuss our schedules.” Nick hopes to become a better writer with the help of his committee. This is just one way in which the trip will benefit him throughout his life.
         Nick is looking forward to the whale watching trip, the Midnight Sun Run, and the mountain climbing. He expects Alaska to be amazing, and a place where you can “learn a lot of skills.” When he comes home, he will miss Alaska. While there, however, he hopes to have a fun time, make good memories, and get more independence as a result of the trip. Next year, as a freshman, Nick hopes to return to Alaska (even before he has ever been there). He said he wanted to “experience all the fun again.”