- Anna

Alaska Is...

                  Alaska is…Beautiful.  Impressive.  Friendship.  Feeling small.  Feeling big.  Alaska is a lot of things, but most of all, Alaska is a teacher.  This year has been my third trip to Alaska, and over time, it has taught me some of the most valuable lessons I will ever learn.  Alaska has taught me how to follow, and also how to lead.  It has helped me make big decisions, and that it’s okay to feel small sometimes.  I have learned to be who I am.  I have learned how to push myself, and how to push others to be the best they can.  I have learned the true meaning of beauty, and what it means to be a student, a teacher, a role model and a friend.  I’ve learned to let the little things go, and focus on what’s important.  I’ve learned to never take a single breath for granted, and to appreciate everything I have (like showers, clean clothes, and a real bed).  Throughout the years, I’ve learned a lot, from parents, teachers, coaches, even my boss.  As important as these lessons are as well, Alaska taught me the ones that matter the most.  Alaska taught me who I am. 

Final Reflections

Over the past few years, Alaska has played a huge part in my life.  I’ve spent every school year since eighth grade preparing and looking forward to these three weeks of magic, and I’ve enjoyed every single moment of it.  Alaska changes people.  Three short weeks make all the difference when it comes to figuring out who you are, and learning your limits.  Every year I learn a little bit more about myself, and watching the way the participants change and grow over time never ceases to amaze me.  Alaska, thank you for the good times, and the lessons learned.  I’ll always remember.  “Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”