- Jessica

Alaska Is...  

                        Alaska is a place where you can both find yourself and lose yourself at the same time. Losing yourself in the moment and finding yourself in the experience. Alaska is a place where adventures start and memories are made. When every second, sight and sound is a once in a lifetime experience, it makes you realize just how amazing this place is and this trip is. Standing at the top of a snow covered mountain of looking out onto the sparkling ocean changes you on a level so deep and in a way so unexplainable the only word you could use to describe it is: Alaska is alive.

Final Reflections

Alaska has changed me in so many ways and has given me the experience of a lifetime. I will always hold this place and the memories that go with it close to my heart. Every event here was amazing, from playing Frisbee on the grass, to standing on the top of a mountain. With great memories and a new family, this trip will forever change me. Now that its time for our last hours here and I’m happy to see everyone back at home, this trip seemed to go by very fast and I will miss it. This is a place that changes people and weather they realize it or not, they will take a part of Alaska back with them in their memories.