- Juliann

Alaska Is...  

        Alaska is my focal point. It is the place that I can always return to in order to find myself again. If ever I forget who I am or what I stand for, I remember Alaska, and the person that it transformed me into. It will always be my land of eternal sunshine. There will never be a place as special as Alaska to me.

Final Reflections

Ever since 8th grade when I first went to Alaska, I've been dying to go back. It's not an easy desire to ignore, once you've seen Alaska and what it does to people, it feels like it's in your blood, calling you to return home. The decision to return this year was perhaps the best decision I made this year. You may be one person while in Marshall, but you are completley transformed into another one while in Alaska. Alaska changed me again this year, back to who I think I truly am without all the social expectations and influences of others. In Alaska you are free to be whoever and whatever you feel like being.