- Faith

Different from Marshall

       What is it like to be participant in AGLP, but not being a kid?  For Joel Jolink he says he was just given the position of being a van driver , but he’s glad because he gets one on one time with his van people and he gets to be with old students out side of the school environment. Also he said, “ I get the front seat, and I’m in charge.”  He likes that since he’s in the front seat he gets to see mountains and beautiful scenery before everyone else does.

Joel Jolink is a 7th grade math and history teacher at Marshall Middle School This is his first time in Alaska , and he’s excited to see being away from his busy life , seeing bears, and hanging out with us 8th graders that he had last year. Joel says that Alaska looks a lot like the U.P. except there  are mountains and other animals that Michigan doesn’t have. “Alaska won’t be hard for me to love, since I love being outdoors, camping, hiking, and just traveling.”

Mrs. Jolink helped him a little by making him want to come visit Alaska. All her stories of Alaska really made him seem like he would like to be here. One thing  Joel isn’t looking forward to while we’re here is being around 70 tired 8th graders. Mr. Jolink said he hopes to see students become better friends, and not just that, but just better people in general. He also will not be leaving Alaska without seeing a bear ,” or bears.”